Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 8 - Nrop Rof Si Tenretni Eht

Morning thrills and spills, including more work on current journal and SFCCO, then Chris is in charge for his choice of dictation: Avenue Q,

by Robert Lopez (b. 1975) and Jeff Marx (b. 1970),

specifically, The Internet Is for Porn -- hey, we're here for the music, not the lyrics (OK, and the pictures, the above utilized in our setting of John Millington Synge's The Playboy of the Western World last summer at Oakland Metro Opera House) -- and, like yesterday's from Robert, we're dealing with uptempo major-mode tweakiness, and an interesting Eb common-practice melody, with lots of nice secondary dominants.

The opening Sol-Mi is that most typical ascending major sixth, the second phrase a transposition of the first, at an interval of the second, but with distinctly different pickup rises (the M6 becoming P4). As to the plethora of scondary dominants, there's even one evoking a borrowed deceptive (V7 of vi moving instead to IV -- that is G7 heading to Cm instead goes to Ab). Another V7 reverts to IV7 -- that bluesy / gospelly mood, simply enriching the reverse succession V IV with sevenths...

After this, it's Marin and paper grading at Celia's, dropping off both the May and June 2008 issues of 21st-Century Music at printer's (already online at and partially at, and blitz home, preparing for tomorrow's

Horsewomen of the Apocalypse: The Black Horse with a Touch of Gray, 8pm at St. Gregory's Church, 500 De Haro, SF (, printing up copies of all selections and designing a folder for the individual movements, which somehow keep their indivituality and resist binding.

Make a modification for the Harriet transposition down m3 of Conference Room Technique -- one bass phrase has to be transposed up 8va, since it has disappeared below range of normal keyboard....

Begin preparing for publication Mice and Men Act V Scene 2, just the first page Scene Change.