Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15 - The Canyons of the Mind

Exploring the canyons of the mind in the morning, a final theory holiday,

producing the woodwind parts for Block Four of Camino Real,

Harriet and I head to Napa on this brilliant day (apparently finally reaching 100 degrees), back to Dry Creek Canyon, for a surprisingly cooler walk south between an east face of chaparal slopes and a western one of deep green conifers.

Heading downhill, near a canyon-niche row of tires,

at a brisk clip (law abidingly under 25mph), past madrone,

and a westside house

with a patterned roof.

Careful not to linger,

by horizontal limbs,

the trees close in,

opening to a tawny lawn.

watched over by a sunny eastside spread,

and a dinosaurian-macabre bird of prey -- preening,


spreading its portentous pneumatic purveyors (to my pretentious prose).

Trees with outstretched arms,

an eastside house with a happy-face front door and tall eucalyptus,

political signs

before a moony cliff,

oak grasslands and suspicious summits,

dapples of sun and shade

lead back to back to stately cypress by the creek crossing.

Downslope on Oakville Grade to the Napa Valley near Yountville

(with views north of vineyards and Mt. St. Helena),

we dine by the windows

at Brix,

with its views north

of a distant Mt. St. Helena,

east to intimate vineyards

with a turreted castellated edifice on high,

and west to cool rural vantages.

Closer to home, light poles

and storage units cast de Chirico shadows away from the setting sun in the Vaca Mountains.