Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4 - Music as a Gradual Process

Morning magic, and record Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1: 4 Gradual -- two Gregorian graduals, Psalm 146 and Hec Dies, in juxtaposition, the latter overlapped.

Boy soprano solo (6 bars) in the second movement of Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms for dictation in Theory, with its bluesy melody (Mi and Me), varied rhythms over a basic Do-Re-Mi --


Sol Re Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Do Re Do Me Do Re Do --

and Please Mr. Postman altered harmony...

I vi IV ii V I...

... with an inevitably descending bass and two common-tones at a time for a stretch (since the harmony moves in thirds), at least when harmonizing traditionally.

Thereafter, Marin time, over the Richmond Bridge with views of San Rafael, picking up the April 2008 21st-Century Music, plus post-office and paper grading, then home

on 101 with the Big Rock Ridge looming,

over the divide between Marinwood and Novato,

tilting beyond Mt. Burdell

and Deer Island (a nomenclatural stretch, as it is surrounded by marshlands).

Off I-80 at Cordelia

and up Susuin Valley

where Twin Sisters unite above arbors

and the serene loneliness of a white ranchette

appears threatened by the encroaching development of those conscienceless conceivers of Ranch Solano.

The hills and cows don't seem to know the difference,

the slopes greening up as

the Pants-with-Nobody-Inside-Em Orchard blooms.