...to where Theory students are harmonizing the C section of Part I (Psalm 23 - boy soprano solo) Movement II Leonard Bernstein Chichester Psalms -- Suzanne, Julian, Tom, Shane, Clinton, Dominick, and Kavah left to right at Boards 4-2 (yes, named counterclockwise for some reason -- perhaps from near to far distance from the dictation piano), with Allison and Melissa (front) and Conrad, Rob, and Nate (back) having already finished their contributions to boardwork. It's 9:20 -- perhaps we've already taken our break -- possibly ran over, due to sight-singing / performing the first part of Terry Riley's In C projected on big screen in front of classroom (Board 1 area).
The wide angle shot didn't take in Lauren, so here she is, again with other Board 4 denizens.
And somehow, Kristina didn't get in the mix, until this photo, where she is studiously hovering over her laptop.
Perhaps she was at Board 1, where Tyler and Shekiba still labor -- forshadowing my labors on Mice and Men Act V Scene 2 F Page 6 publication preparation upon return.