Emailing and googling for 21st-centurymusic.blogspot.com this morning, Harriet's off to Modesto, and the world is heating up -- hot desert-like wind suggesting temperatures around 100 tomorrow -- if so, would be first of season.
There seems to always come a time here in late spring when one wonders exactly how high it well get as the season progresses, then the fog kicks in at the coast and we see our way clear with slightly more common-practice temps for the bulk of the duration.

Will Wonders Never Cease Department: Nick M. checks in with Edward Elgar (hardly a T. Ed Lawrence of Arabia...) most popular Pomp and Circumstance March for dictation, performing on guitar, in G:
Do Ti Do Re La Sol
Fa Mi Fa Sol Re
with its nicely sequenced second phrase, which we harmonize in standard and non-standard ways.
Fine piece by Nick T. follows (Its a Nick of all Time Signatures day...); following this, home for publication preparation of page 4-5 Mice and Men, Act V, Scene 2, listening to an array of movie and t.v. sound track excerpts (hmm...), and ultimately back out to San Francisco, approaching the Bay Bridge as the sun sets behind Marin's Mt. Tamalpais to the northwest,
for San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchesra Board Meeting at Erling's (where we decide to put another piece on the show June 7 show [markalburgerevents.blogspot.com] -- Block 4 from Camino Real, with its serendipidous John Philip Sousa Stars and Stripes Forever quotes),
with the city radiant.