Mark Alburger
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Mark Alburger
Mark Alburger (b. April 2, 1957, Upper Darby, PA) is an eclectic American composer of postminimal, postpopular, and postcomedic sensibiliti...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
December 31 - Preposition Propositions
In Barstow. After the train. Near the tamarisk. At the station of the crossed clouds. Across the Mojave on 58. Below the southern Sierra Nev...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
December 30 - Slip-Fault Sliding
Fly away up Oak Creek Canyon, past the increasing snows of Slide Ranch, to the switchbacks by the piney overlook, adjacent to the small worl...
Monday, December 29, 2008
December 29 - Lifting Our Eyes
Jerome lies basking next to part of its raison-d'etre -- the open-pit-copper Clark Mine -- up nd at the Mingus Mountains, in glorious vi...
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