Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24 - Hovel Hills and Smoky Haze Paeon

On the way to work, notice with consternation that the two houses and barn of Hovel Hills have been destroyed.

Teaching logistics proceed reasonably smoothly, second day of totally-on-the- markalburgermusichistory.blogspot.com-Music History-book-blog, getting up through the parallel-thirds Orkney-Island dictation in the Theory class and Guillaume de Machaut in the Lit.

Returning to the scene of the crime, barn is gone,

destroyer (at least the physical means of deproduction -- whoever had the idea remains at large) is idle.

OK, so maybe the site wasn't completely beautiful in former days. Let's say picturesque. Or piccaresque. A certain humble balance with the land.

Can't imagine anything built will be a visual improvement. May be wrong, of course. And, then again, if the land is to be returned to its natural state, a definite improvement. And access? O wouldn't it be loverly?

Meanwhile the fires are taking their visual toll, sometimes surreally emphasizing the sere season,

with the Chinese Wall looming mastaba-like above Rohan.

Beyond, Long Barn --

quite a contrast from last March

and the fogs of spring.

The Chinese Wall in its entirety and

north are pastel, and

Four-Tree Hill is a flat panel. Home, it's a bike-and-pool jaunt, despite the potential health advisory, and page 2 Mice and Men, Act V C prepared for publication